I am Dawn Black, and no that isn't my real name. It's a combination of the name my mother would have named me had my father not had a say in the matter and a variation on my mother's maiden name. It was once just an online name to protect my privacy, but now it's a part of me. And my pen name.
I am a mom of three, a Kitchen Witch, a lay herbalist and folklorist, a Hellenic polytheist, a home health aid, a dog trainer and a culinary adventurer. I have been writing my entire life and I recently taught myself to draw in order to enhance my writing. I also enjoy spending time with kids, teaching and learning. If I were independently wealthy I'd probably have a dozen degrees and a dozen kids.. As it stands I have a BA in Anthropology with a minor in Biology.
This blog is sort of a supportive add-on for my personal website/journal and online Book of Shadows that can be found at http://www.sacredhearth.com. It's loaded with recipes, crafts, spells, kids activities and you'll find my gardening journal there too. This is where I relax and brain dump because I must or I my "real" writing suffers.
In addition to my own private little corner of the web, I also contribute to http://www.witchipedia.com and http://www.paganmichigan.net
You should check them out.
This blog is sort of a supportive add-on for my personal website/journal and online Book of Shadows that can be found at http://www.sacredhearth.com. It's loaded with recipes, crafts, spells, kids activities and you'll find my gardening journal there too. This is where I relax and brain dump because I must or I my "real" writing suffers.
In addition to my own private little corner of the web, I also contribute to http://www.witchipedia.com and http://www.paganmichigan.net
You should check them out.