Thursday, February 28, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a Green Wedding

Obviously, we want our wedding to be as “green” as in eco-friendly (as well as the color!) as it can be.
Here are some websites helping me out with this:
I will be giving away baby trees as wedding favors.
The tube the tree comes in can be turned into a birdfeeder. How very cool!
I just need to come up with a clever little saying to go on the little card that’s included.
And something else… you know, for people who don’t have yards to plant trees in…

Not Just Green, but Green

I have decided that I am getting married in green.
Screw white.
Purple and Green are my favorite colors. But I’m not particularly fond of wearing large amounts of purple, I prefer it more of an accent color, y’know. So, I want my dress to be green. Like a moss green with a sort of dusty purple ribbon/cumberbund thing with echinacea flowers decorating the back. Yea. That’s my idea. But alas, I don’t know how to sew. My mother will have to help me, but I’m not sure she’ll be able to work with the type of fabric I’m thinking of. (I’m thinking layers of gauzy type fabric, but it has to be soft, not that stiff stuff)
Oh jeeze. I’m going to make a faerie dress for my handfasting.
Call me fluffy.
Well, anyway, I’m going to have to go shopping for fabric and find a pattern and work with my mom on this. I want it done by August 17th. (Not the morning of the wedding like last time)
Here are some fabric links…
So I am in love with a delicious Karen Millen confection from last summer’s line.
It’s just a wee bit beyond my price range…

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wedding Rings

Mr Rabbit and I have have a no ring agreement. In fact, before we hooked up, when we were just sniffing at each other, I launched into a Valentine’s Day induced tirade about how stupid diamonds are. I may have ranted about this before, I don’t know. Anyway, I said I never wanted diamonds. For one, the diamond industry is notoriously anti-social and when I got married before, my husband hooked me up with this giant diamond ring that always felt awkward and heavy on my hand and always caught on things and I was sure at some point it was going to catch on something I didn’t notice and rip my hand off. In the end… about three days after I got the clunky thing, it disappeared somewhere. And oh the guilt.

Anyhow, moral of the story, I don’t want a diamond.

But it turns out last year when we went to visit the future inlaws, Mr Rabbit got a whisper in his ear about a family diamond or something. So, it looks like I will be getting a diamond after all. I want the diamond recessed into the band though, so it doesn’t stick out, and oh I hope it’s not too big…

Anyway, so we have to go visit the inlaws to get the diamond. That will be our “pre-honeymoon” in July. I don’t want to sound selfish, like that’s the only reason we’re going because we had planned to go anyway, but the original plan was to go after the wedding.

So, this part of the goal is to get to the inlaws. That means saving money, arranging daycare, packing, etc. What a pain in the butt getting married is.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

News Roundup and Some History

Did you know that in the 1600s a group of New Yorkers (then New Amsterdam) stood up for religious freedom?

Sometimes it’s a little scary to see who speaks for us… Jonathon Sharkey, of the Vampyrs, Witches and Pagans party is running for President. Among others

A Las Vegas High School student was recently kicked out of class for refusing to stand for the Pledge of Allegience. Go boy. How does this relate to us? He’s from a Wiccan family. I’m not sure why that part was relevant to the story, but it was reported so it ends up here.,student-booted-for-not-standing-in-class.html

Check out this true crime murder mystery from the UK but don’t get offended. Remember that witchcraft elsewhere, and in different times, is not what witchcraft is in modern America.
And we end today’s session with more history. Archaeologists in the UK believe they have found the first evidence of Druids. Until now, we’ve relied mainly on anectotal evidence from their conquerors and folkloric evidence. This is cool stuff

Monday, February 4, 2008

All the Queen's Mess

The issue revolving around the Miss Toronto Tourism debacle (discussed in my last blog) has, of course, not escaped the notice of the Pagan community-at-large and the pageant itself was held this past weekend, and the Pagans represented. Of course! And of course, the Pageant people engaged in a furious backpedaling operation that was, well, pathetic.
Now I’m sure that if you’ve read my blogs before you know that I have no patience with Pagans who scream discrimination based on their religion when they are simply being discriminated against because, well, they are stupid. Like that lady that was burning a cooler in her backyard while disturbing the peace half-naked. That was not discrimination. That was one person being dumb and getting cited for it.
This, however, appears to be a clear-cut case of discrimination.
If you recall, when this issue first came to light, the article cited a letter received by Miss Conover, who is Miss Canada Plus, that went like so:
“She states that her hobbies are yoga, reiki and tarot card reading.
“Our board of directors has eliminated her as a judge as tarot card reading and reiki are the occult and … not acceptable by God, Jews, Muslims or Christians.”
Then a Biblical quote about mediums and “spiritists.”
Then: “We hope that Stephanie Conover will turn from these belief systems and will repent from her practice of them.”
(Find these quotes in the article at
The quote in question?  Leviticus 20:6, where God states: “I will set my face against the person who turns to mediums or spiritualists to prostitute himself by following them, and I will cut them off from his people,” although fortunately for Stephanie, she’s apparently been exempted from the requirements of Leviticus 20:27, which mandates that “A man or a woman who is a medium…shall surely be put to death; they shall stone them with stones.”
In this article, Karen Murray, who was quoted in a previous article thusly:
“We just got her bio a week ago and we don’t agree with it,” said Karen Murray, Miss Toronto Tourism pageant director. “We want someone down to earth, not someone into the dark side or the occult.” is refusing to comment. And so we have a new player in this drama. Ainslie Baillie (there’s a Pagan name if I ever heard one!) who is also a member of the Miss Toronto Tourism board who claims that her religion isn’t an issue. She says “I was just told that she wasn’t qualified. A lot of it has to do with judging experience, not religion.”.
Yea lady. I’m sorry, but somebody put an entirely different position in writing.
Miss Conover plans to file a complaint with the Human Rights Commission of Ontario next week. I say go for it. This sort of thing needs attention. And again, it’s not because I think that privatized events like this don’t have the right to exclude people based on whatever the heck they want to exclude them based on, it’s because I think they must make it absolutely clear.
If the Miss Toronto Tourism pageant considers only those who follow Biblical law to be worthy of being associated with them, then it must be clearly stated where anyone can see it. It cannot be hidden.
Further, if you want to run a pageant that is that selective, you really need to separate yourself from official government bodies. Every article has made it absolutely clear that the Miss Toronto Tourism pageant is an organization that promotes historic sites in Toronto and that it’s not associated with the city or the official Tourism Toronto and that’s good. But if I were in charge of Tourism Toronto, or a member of the city board, I would want them to take the city’s name off of their pageant if they are going to be discriminatory!
Says Andrew Weir, vice president of Tourism Toronto, whose Web site shares nearly the same name as the pageant: “It’s caused some confusion but it has nothing to do with us and we have nothing to do with them. All I can say is that’s not how we market the city.”
Of course, the Pagan community is up in arms about all of this, and why shouldn’t they be? And not only Pagans should be upset, but anyone who isn’t a member of the “dominant” culture, and, well, anyone who opposes discrimination.
Said Michael Makaid, an organizer of the Toronto Pagan Conference: “We were shocked that a non religious beauty pageant that supports multiculturalism would do this. As a Torontonian that enrages me. It’s about discrimination not paganism. We have loads of people who are pagan and non pagan who are upset about this.”
The Toronto Pagan Conference and other groups picketed the event and called sponsors to see what they thought about it. Ralph Hamelmann, who runs The Psychic Brunch, said 16 of 18 sponsors have withdrawn their sponsorship of the pageant.  I guess their sponsors don’t take kindly to discrimination either. Not everyone jumped on the bandwagon though. Alfredo DiGenova, general manager of Adrenalin Fitness, has no plans now to withdraw despite pressure. “I’ve received seven e-mails since Tuesday asking me to drop my sponsorship. I think the whole thing is blown out of proportion. It’s their pageant so they can have whoever they want.”

Friday, February 1, 2008

Battle of the Beauty Queen

Here is the article I’m about to expound upon
And now I begin.
So, basically, here’s what happened. Ms. Canada Plus is a Wiccan (cool, huh, I thought so) and the Ms Toronto Tourism pageant invited her to be a judge. But when she submitted her bio, presumably for their marketing materials, she mentioned tarot cards under “hobbies” and they withdrew their invitation. (Which is very silly, because if they just looked at the Miss Canada Plus website, they would have seen her bio there, could have decided then, and would never have needed to embarrass themselves by issuing the invitation in the first place!
“We just got her bio a week ago and we don’t agree with it,” said Karen Murray, Miss Toronto Tourism pageant director. “We want someone down to earth, not someone into the dark side or the occult.”
Grammatical nightmares not withstanding (How does someone not agree with a bio? A bio is not an opinion to be disagreed with.) How does Tarot cards make someone not down to earth? I dunno, there are a few headintheclouds Pagans, probably alot, but there are quite a few down to earth Pagans too. I like to think of myself as down-to-earth and I read Tarot cards. My atheist lover and I read each others cards before we go to bed at night. It helps us wrap up the day, put things in perspective and communicate with each other about the things that are on our minds and make plans. Very down-to-earth, practical stuff. And the “dark side of the occult”? If this lady thinks tarot cards are the “dark side” of the “occult”, she doesn’t know much about the occult, does she?
A letter to the Miss Candada Plus people said “We need a judge who has an upright reputation and we would be proud to introduce to the audience,”
It is my understanding that these pageants only award the Miss Somebody title to people who they feel is “upright” and has a clean reputation. It would seem that the Miss Toronto Tourism people do not think the Miss Candada Plus people are capable of determining who has a clean reputation, because they went on to explain:
“Our board of directors has eliminated her as a judge as tarot card reading and reiki are the occult and is not acceptable by God, Jews, Muslims or Christians. Tarot card reading is witchcraft and is used by witches, spiritists and mediums to consult the dark world.”
The letter went on to quote a couple of passages from the Bible, including one from the book of Leviticus that warns, “Do not turn to mediums or seek out spirits for you will be defiled by them.”
“We hope that Stephanie Conover will turn from these belief systems and will repent from her practice of them,” the letter reads.
Now, this confuses me slightly, because we’re talking about the Miss Toronto Tourism pageant, not the Miss Good Christian Pageant, so what’s the deal here? The article is quick to point out that the Miss Toronto Tourism pageant is independant of Toronto’s tourism department, and bully for Toronto then, because if it wasn’t we’d be looking at a clear case of state-sponsored discrimination. As it stands Murray said her group doesn’t get government funding and has the right to decide who acts as a judge in their pageant. and that’s the truth.
What I don’t understand is how the crazy Christian lady feels vindicated: Murray insisted Conover is “trying to stir up trouble” by raising the issue in the press. “She’s obviously a very vindictive person,” she said.
No lady, the public has a right to know that your pageant is discriminatory. Will you snatch the crown away from Miss Toronto Tourism when you discover that she reads Tarot cards? Since there is absolutely nothing about Miss Toronto Tourism that would cause someone to even suspect that someone into things Christians don’t approve of would be automatically disqualified. I mean, check out the website, it doesn’t say anywhere that you have to be a follower of an Abrahamic religion
Check it out
1. Canadian Citizen
2. Single, not married or living common-law
3. No dependents
4. Good health
5. No criminal records or criminal offences
6. Height of 5 feet and 0 inches and up
7. Good Will To Others
8. Good character
9. Born female.
10. 19 to 27 years of age.
Nowhere there does it say “Must adhere to the principles laid for by the God of Abraham.”
What we have from Miss Conover is a public service.
If you’re going to run a Christian pageant, call it that. But they’re not religious says Murray:
Asked if her group is a religious one, Murray replied, “We adhere to God’s principles. We’re God-fearing. I wouldn’t say we’re religious.” Isn’t that a little contradictory, I dunno?