Monday, April 15, 2013

What's Your Earth Day Resolution? #earthdayresolution

Earth Day is on its way and as honoring the Earth is a major part of my Tradition, it seems to me that Earth Day is a holiday I should be celebrating. So, I have resolved that this year and every year hereafter I will be making an Earth Day Resolution; a commitment to make a change in my habits that will result in lowering my footprint on the Earth. I haven't decided what it will be yet, but I have lots of options and I am going to blog about my journey as I make my habit change.

Here are just a few options I have brainstormed. Feel free to comment with your ideas.

1. Resolve to eat more sustainably. Organic and local foods, less meat, more homemade/less pre-made, etc. maybe plant a garden?

2. Resolve to walk more and drive less. Considering that I work out of my car this might not be practical for me, but I can certainly walk to the grocery store and farmers' market...

3. Go disposable free. I did cloth diapers last year, what other ways can I eliminate disposables in my life? Thinking about things I throw away - paper towels, maxi pads, coffee filters, napkins... um toilet paper?

4. Reduce, reuse, recycle - Recycling isn't easy in my neck of the woods. Where I used to live there was recycling pickup days, but here there isn't. That doesn't mean recycling is impossible, just that it's not easy, so I've been lazy. I'll need to do some research into how to recycle things on my own. Plus I will need to think about reducing packaging and how I will reuse the things I buy.

5. Improve my home's energy efficiency - I like to think I'm pretty frugal about the power I use in my home, but I'm sure there are ways I can improve.

I'm sure there are more and I'm looking forward to seeing your ideas too.

Each month I will focus on creating one new habit toward my ultimate goal (yet to be decided) and I will have a blog check in on the 22nd. I am going to combine magical and mundane actions, techniques, as that's the most effective way to do things. I would absolutely love it if other bloggers would join me on this project! As Pagans, especially those who are well settled in, some of us may be looking for a new spiritual challenge and a way to manifest our reverence for the Earth in concrete ways and I think this is one way to do it. I am really excited about this project. I'm glad I thought of it. Wow. I'm pretty smart. Of course I'm not the first person to think of this. Visit to see a corporate angle on this idea.

Anyhow, holler if you're in and we'll do this together!

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